Dr. Elsa González Pérez has been helping patients from all over the world for almost a decade now. Her work has been recognized on diverse media and medical papers such as El Mundo, Diario de Ibiza, Spain Cares or iSanidad, among others.
er ambitions goes further than the treatment to the patients. Dr. González gives peace of mind to whoever comes to her medical consultation and cares about a fast and simple rehabilitation to her patients.
Because of that, she went abroad to London and Seoul many times to learn about the most modern techniques . This has made her the fist women on Europe to apply thebiportal endoscopic spine surgery. Esta operación es apta para pacientes de todas las edades y permite tanto un mejor post-operatorio como rehabilitación.
This way, Dr. Elsa González has become a reference neurosurgeon at Balearic Islands and also on a national level. This is possible thanks to three factors: High complexity surgeries, years of experience and truly caring about the wellness of the patient.
Because one of the pillars of Dr. Elsa González’s work is her patients to recover their true quality of life. Less pain, less time spent at the hospital, more peace of mind and better health. That’s why she keeps learning in order to offer her patients the personalized option that adjusts best to their needs.
n the end, EGP Neurosurgery is a reference both medical, technical and personal to the patient. Experience, knowledge and a medicine more human ever.
La medicina más avanzada, las técnicas más modernas junto con un trato personal y cercano al paciente son los pilares de nuestro trabajo diario.
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